Frequently Asked Questions During Vacation Planning

Please reach me at [email protected]
if you cannot find an answer to your question.

  • Get the most out of your vacation with expertly planned experiences
  • Have a real person watching your back
  • Save time
  • Take the stress out of planning.
  • Save money with special promotions and discounts

My planning fee is transparent. Because I have access to special discounts and promotions that regular travelers do not, in many cases you will save money when using my services. I can work within your budget, and will always focus on making sure that my expertise leads to the perfect vacation for you.

Yes! While I hold specialized expertise in Caribbean vacations and Nashville, TN, I can assist you with your other travel needs as well. Contact me and let's get started!

My travel planning services aren't for everyone. They are perfect for anyone who wants to relax and unwind without worrying about the details! Those who know that while you COULD put together a trip yourself, using a travel planner will save you time and stress and give you the expertise of someone who does this ALL the time! You'll also have me watching your back if last-minute issues come up, such as flight cancellations or sickness. Consider me a matchmaker for you and your perfect vacation! I will make sure your vacation is everything you deserve!